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Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению - cavity


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Перевод с английского языка cavity на русский

(объёмный) резонатор
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См. в других словарях

  1) анат. полость, впадина 2) лунка (предметного стекла) – cavity of chest – cavity of skull – abdominal cavity – amniotic cavity – arachnoid cavity – articular cavity – body cavity – branchial cavity – brood cavity – buccal cavity – cardial cavity – cerebral cavity – cleavage cavity – cotyloid cavity – cranial cavity – digestive cavity – drum cavity – gill cavity – glandular cavity – glenoid cavity – head cavity – heart cavity – joint cavity – mantle cavity – mouth cavity – orbital cavity – pelvic cavity – pericardial cavity – peritoneal cavity – pharyngeal cavity – pharyngonasal cavity – pleural cavity – pulp cavity – respiratory cavity – sap cavity – seed cavity – segmentation cavity – stomatal cavity – subgerminal cavity – supra-alar cavity – thoracic cavity – tympanic cavity – uterine cavity ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. впадина; углубление; полость; пустота; провал 2. мед. полость, каверна, впадина; дупло (в зубе) abdominal cavity —- брюшная полость to fill cavities —- пломбировать зубы 3. геол. трещина в породе 4. усадочная раковина 5. спец. камера experimental cavity —- экспериментальная камера 6. рад. резонатор 7. воен. гнездо ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  magnetron noun phys. магнетрон, обеспечивающий большой выход энергии CAVITY noun  1) впадина; полость  2) med. каверна  3) трещина в породе Syn: see hole ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) впадина; углубление; каверна 2) раковина; газовый пузырь 3) полость; пустота 4) (объемный) резонатор 5) горн. трещина (в породе) - beer-barrel cavity - corrosion cavity - die cavity - focal cavity - lighthouse cavity - multigap cavity - passive cavity - resonant cavity - shrinkage cavity - stratification cavity ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) резонатор 2) кювета – backfire cavity – circular cavity – coaxial cavity – contoured cavity – folded cavity – guide cavity – half-cavity – high-Q cavity – integrated cavity – laser cavity – loaded cavity – microwave cavity – output cavity – pump cavity – reentrant cavity – resonant cavity – septate coaxial cavity – TR cavity – transmission-line cavity – tunable cavity – tuned cavity – uncoupled cavity – variable cavity ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  полость, пустота ventilation cavity ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) полость; впадина 2) проточка, канал 3) горн. пустота, каверна 4) раковина, газовый пузырь; пора (дефект отливки) 5) (объёмный) резонатор - adjustable cavity - air cavity - aligned cavity - beer-barrel cavity - bimodal cavity - bistable cavity - built-in cavity - chip Fabry-Perot cavity - circular cavity - coaxial cavity - collimated-output cavity - concave-convex cavity - concentric cavity - confocal cavity - contraction cavity - corrosion cavity - coupled cavities - degenerate cavity - disk stylus cavity - dislocation cavity - double-concave cavity - double-gap cavity - double-phase-conjugate cavity - drain cavity - duplex cavity - edge-coupled cavity - elliptical cavity - elongated cavity - end cavity - exposure cavity - externally driven cavity - fixed cavity - folded cavity - frequency-selective cavity - gas cavity - grain boundary cavities - guide cavity - grating cavity - high-gain cavity - highly regenerative cavity - integral cavity - interferometer cavity - iris-coupled cavities - laser cavity - lasing cavity - loaded cavity - lossless cavity - lossy cavity - low-loss cavity - magazine receiving cavity - maser cavity - matched cavity - mechanical seal cavity - microwave cavity - mirrorless cavity - mode-selective cavity - mold cavity - multimode cavity - multiple-pass cavity - narrow-band cavity - optically coupled cavities - outpot cavity - parallel-mirror cavity - phase conjugate cavity - pipe cavity - plane-concave cavity - plane-parallel cavity - pumping cavity - pump cavity - reactor cavity - reentrant cavity - reference cavity - resonant cavity - ring cavity - seal cavity - seal leakage cavity - selective cavity - shrinkage cavity - single-frequency cavity - single-gap cavity - single-mode cavity - spacing cavity - temperature-compensated cavity - thermostatically controlled cavity - total-internal-reflection cavity - transmission-type cavity - tunable cavity - wavelength-selective cavity - X-ray cavity ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. (pl. -ies) 1 a hollow within a solid body. 2 a decayed part of a tooth. Phrases and idioms cavity wall a wall formed from two skins of brick or blockwork with a space between. Etymology: F cavit{eacute} or LL cavitas f. L cavus hollow ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  (plural -ties)  Etymology: Middle French cavite, from Late Latin cavitas, from Latin cavus  Date: 1541  1. an unfilled space within a mass; especially a hollowed-out space  2. an area of decay in a tooth ; caries ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (cavities) 1. A cavity is a space or hole in something such as a solid object or a person’s body. (FORMAL) N-COUNT 2. In dentistry, a cavity is a hole in a tooth, caused by decay. (TECHNICAL) N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 formal a hole or space inside something 2 technical a hole in a tooth made by decay ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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